
Pobl Ifanc ar y Blaen yn Nyffryn Afan

468 469 rctadmin

Rydym wrth ein boddau â chyhoeddi grant o £18,020 gan y Gronfa Gweledigaeth i’r Prosiect RECLAIM. Mae RECLAIM. yn fudiad arweinyddiaeth ieuenctid a newid cymdeithasol nodedig – elusen fach ond…

Darllen mwy

St. Elvan’s Church – a new community resource for Aberdare and the Cynon Valley

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Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund is delighted to support the development of a major new community resource for Aberdare and the Cynon Valley.  St. Elvan’s Church is an iconic…

Darllen mwy


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Every month we hold dedicated appointment sessions around the Area of Benefit so people, groups, businesses can meet us and chat about any projects they have going on that may…

Darllen mwy


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THE CF42 £10,250 – Vision Fund – Sept 2017 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: TREHERBERT   This was a straightforward proposal which would make a significant difference to a new business that had…

Darllen mwy

Come and speak to us about applying to the Micro Fund!

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The Micro Fund is open for applications up to £5,000. The deadline for applications is 12th February 2018 at 5pm. We encourage people to come and talk to us about their…

Darllen mwy

Meet the Team

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Name? Barbara Anglezarke Position at Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC? Executive Director Job History (you want to tell us about)? Born in Lancashire (where my name comes…

Darllen mwy


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The 3rd round of the Micro Fund is now open! The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 12th February 2018. Community groups, social enterprises, and new/developing businesses are…

Darllen mwy
David Henderson

Meet the Team

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Name? Dave Henderson FRSA Position at Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC? Director Job History (you want to tell us about)? Various retail/commercial sector roles from shop assistant…

Darllen mwy

£25,000 Vision Fund Award to Corrwg Cwtch

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The Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC is pleased to announce that it has awarded a grant of £25,000.00 to Corrwg Cwtch Ltd., a new café business in…

Darllen mwy

Meet the Team

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Name? Kate Position at Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC? Programme Administrator Job History (you want to tell us about)? I started work in a mortgage company after…

Darllen mwy