Gilgal Community Association – Micro Fund Grant – £2,098

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Just under a year ago we awarded a Micro Fund to Gilgal Coffee and Breakfast club. They were the 1st organisation in the Upper Afan Valley to establish a Food Bank and when the pandemic restrictions started to lift, they recognised people in community needed somewhere safe to come and have a chat and get used to being with other people again and this combined with cost-of-living crisis gave them the idea to start an affordable coffee and breakfast club.

Entirely run by volunteers the weekly Coffee & Breakfast Club provides a warm and friendly social space for local residents. It is on a donation basis so that money is not a barrier for those that attend.

The Coffee Club runs 51 weeks a year (only taking a break on Christmas week) and was already attracting up to 50 local residents (mostly male) each week. They have 6 volunteers running the club each Thursday and they are committed to continuing this as it:

  • Reduces loneliness in their community (particularly amongst older males)
  • Allows for attendees to meet up with those who regularly attend and meet new attendees, therefore increasing social opportunities.
  • Provides affordable meals

“Those who attend enjoy the company, return regularly and there are frequent requests for more opportunities like this. We have a committed group of volunteers and regular donations. The Christmas party and Coronation were special events that we catered for and provided attendees with a gift to mark the different occasions this year and we were very grateful for the money to continue to hold the weekly coffee mornings and mark special occasions and could not have managed all of this without it.”