Cymoedd Rhondda

NPTCVS / Interlink

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NPTCVS and Interlink have been awarded £434,965 to employ skilled staff to work alongside Community Fund staff and in partnership with local leaders and communities to ensure that the Fund…

Darllen mwy

Duke of Edinburgh Wales

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Vision 2018 Rhondda Fawr Duke of Edinburgh Wales A grant of £23,960 has been made for delivery of bespoke training and development to support and further develop and embed the…

Darllen mwy

Cyfleoedd cyllido

150 150 rctadmin

Treherbert Rugby Football Club, founded over 140 years ago, is steeped in mining history. The Club is run by local volunteers for the benefit of the local community. It plays…

Darllen mwy

Awel Aman Tawe / Egni

150 150 rctadmin

Pen y Cymoedd have awarded £30,000 for an initial feasibility study (all Fund towns and villages will be covered), followed by a marketing and share offer programme for a proposal…

Darllen mwy


362 362 rctadmin

VISION FOUNTAIN CIC £1,250 – MICRO FUND – FEB 2017 Vision Fountain came to us for a small grant of £1,250 to top up a £10,000 grant from Arts Council…

Darllen mwy

Treherbert and District Band

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Project: Treherbert Youth Band £3,630.00

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Rhondda Netball

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Project: The Future of Treorchy Netball Club £4,940.00

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Maerdy Boxing Club

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Project: Maerdy Amateur Boxing Club £2,796.99

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Friends of Treorchy Park

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Project: Re-open the Paddling Pool Summer 2018 £5,000.00

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People and Work Unit

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Project: Rhondda Code Club Co-ordinator £4,994.00

Darllen mwy