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Appointment of Executive Director

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The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Kate Breeze as the Executive Director of PYC CIC. Kate has held the position of interim Director for the last 6 months and following a robust scrutiny process has been appointed to the substantive post. The Board are confident that the PYC CIC will continue to…


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RHA – Get Connected During the first wave of COVID-19 in 2020 our vulnerable community members who were shielding were hit the hardest by loneliness or not being able to connect with family and friends. With so many having to close their doors to visitors indefinitely, it meant so they were left isolated and couldn’t…

The 9th round of the Micro Fund is now open!

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Since 2017 we have issues 288 Micro Fund Grants totalling £889,000. Community groups, social enterprises and new/developing businesses are eligible to apply for grants up to £5,000. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 15th February 2021 and decisions and awards are announced at the end of March. If you are a group,…

Cwmaman Community Woodland Group

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Micro Fund Grant – £3,941.60 Meriel of our Supporting Communities Team first met with the group after PyC referred them following a failed bid to the fund. During the meeting she learnt all about them and their ideas – they had a robust, realistic, exciting, intergenerational, environmental community project. Meriel worked with them to: facilitate…

Funding Creative and Cultural Activities

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Arts, culture, music and creative industries are facing a very difficult time as they try and survive the impact of pandemic. We thought this would be a good time to remember the amazing groups and businesses in this area that Pen y Cymoedd has supported in its first three years. If you are a group…

Micro Fund Round 8 Results

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We are really pleased to announce the results of Micro Fund Round 8. The fund is awarding £102,767.36 to 36 groups, organisations and businesses in the fund area. In addition to this funding through the Micro Fund we are supporting another 5 groups with COVID recovery funding of £20,124. Again, we were thrilled with continued…

COVID emergency funding and large Vision Fund grants totalling £287,772

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Since 2017 we have supported sporting groups with Micro Fund grants, COVID emergency funding and large Vision Fund grants totalling £287,772 From dance and gymnastics equipment in Ferndale and Aberdare to football kits and equipment in Pentre, Glynneath and Blaengwynfi. Bowls clubs in Treherbert and Blaengwynfi, junior golf and swimming clubs, saunas in Rhigos, kayaks…

Funding for Community Buildings

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During the initial consultation the community said they wanted the Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund to: – Help make sure that community spaces align with community needs (i.e. space for young people, health hubs, disabled access etc) – Make sure buildings and spaces are fit for purpose across fund area – Help build…

Jobs and Businesses

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When Vattenfall asked the community what they wanted from the Pen y Cymoedd Community Fund some of the key priorities were: A range of quality, sustainable jobs Increasing the proportion of economically active women Help for businesses with the cost of new employees Well kept, attractive high streets Making start-up funding more accessible The fund…

COVID Funding Update

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In March, Pen y Cymoedd responded quickly to the impact of the pandemic and started offering grants and loans to organisations and businesses for emergency survival funding and project funding to respond to community needs. Since them we have distributed over £530,000 in COVID response funding: – £363,249.63 in Survival Funding to 51 community organisations…