Cost of Living

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Pen y Cymoedd is committed to the communities in fund area, and we recognise that following flooding, pandemic and now the cost of living and energy crisis, communities are facing uncertain and difficult times. Demand for money and debt advice as well as mental health and wellbeing support, food and clothes banks and warm hubs is unprecedented and various business and retail in the area are suffering as people are spending less. Travel costs for outreach projects are becoming prohibitive and volunteer numbers are decreasing. For many of our grant holders’ overheads are increasing and they are facing financial pressure.

As a fund we invest in community and charitable organisations and local business and enterprise. We have been looking at how best the fund can support these during this time and how we can help.

  • We have been working closely with partner organisations and are funding energy building surveys for 40 community buildings in the fund area. This means the 40 groups will have a report that outlines and advises on immediate, cost-free measures they can take to reduce energy use and costs and also give them the evidence they need to approach funders for capital works that will have lasting impact.
  • We have funded Big Bocs Bwyd projects in local schools and projects from community groups providing meals and warm hubs to the community.
  • We are able to support funded projects with contingency funding where capital costs have risen beyond original budget and also support rising wages for staff roles that have been funded by PyC
  • We are working flexibly with loan recipients to ensure loan repayments are affordable during this difficult period and have offered payment holidays.
  • We are inviting people who are running food pantries and social supermarkets or offering reliable debt and money advice to make contact with the fund.
  • We are looking at longer term solar panel offer to support business and community buildings in area.

We will continue working with strategic partners including Interlink RCT and NPT CVS, RCT CBC and NPT CBC as well as Coalfields and other funders and bodies and try to flexibly respond to community and business needs and we would like to thank those partners for sharing information with us and involving the fund. As always, our message is talk to us. If you are community group or business in fund area that is struggling or have a project in mind, please get in touch.

Kate Breeze (Executive Director) / Martin Veale (Chair)