Relaunching the festival for 2023 they aim to put on an arts festival and make sure that people get involved in what they are doing and participate. Art has a powerful way of helping you find your place in the world, and this year’s theme of ‘Rhondda Valleys: centre of the universe’ will help that even more. From the very beginning of the festival, they have wanted to celebrate existing and bring new arts and culture to the Rhondda Valleys and have a whole range of activities planned including:
Outdoor cinema screening
MakeIt RCT Young Artists Performance space
Aelwyd Cwm Rhondda Welsh Evening
Cynefin Family fun day
Comedy night
and much more.“We are pleased support them to bring new people into Treorchy and the Rhondda Valleys, so that they view it as a cultural centre as well as allowing local people to celebrate the traditions of local music through performances and we wish them and all the volunteers and performers the very best for 2023 event”“We are so grateful to Pen y Cymoedd are excited to put on a festival that celebrates the arts in the Rhondda – we’ve got plans to grow the festival and it’s only up from here!”