Back in March last year Dan y Coed Community Association approached the fund with plans to help the community recover post COVID.
They wanted to:
• Host jubilee party for community
• Run a series of taster classes and events with view to finding out what community wants
• Run drop in sessions for community
The fund supported them with a grant of £4,798.30 for equipment, marketing, classes and party costs.
The party was a great success and was a lovely way for people to come together again.
As a result of the grant they were able to pilot and test various classes and as a result the community centre now has three new permanent activities that proved popular, parent & toddler class, yoga and a Judo School (who then went on to apply themselves to PyC and were successful with Micro Fund grant to really establish the class).
“We still have some budget available for drop-in sessions which we will start running, these will help bring people into the community centre and address some loneliness and isolation issues locally. With the funding the biggest impact has being able to offer taster sessions as this has really helped us see what the community want and has resulted in more, permanent activities for local people that are tried and tested and of course that helps bring people and income in to support the community centre. The process of applying to PyC was really good with the help from NPT CVS and PyC team, who are very approachable and helpful.” – Amanda, Dan y Coed Community Association, Tonmawr