Case Studies

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Case Studies

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Read some of our most recent case studies about some of what we have supported so far

Resilient Pupil Programme with Call of the Wild Development Trust
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“Thanks to funding received from Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC we were recently able to deliver a successful Resilience Programme to 26 children at Cwmnedd Primary school. Over a period of five days, we set the children challenging tasks working as part of a team. Our ‘Good Morning’ task encouraged them to…

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£5000 awarded to Abergorki Community Hall
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When PyC visited the Abergorki Community hall to see a group based there, it was apparent that the downstairs toilets needed complete refurbishment. After discussing the problem with the hall trustees, they had a quote and applied to our Micro Fund for help. The trustees of the hall work tirelessly to look after the venue…

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Job Creation: Paving the Way for a Brighter Future
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Did you know that PyC funding has created over 25 jobs and helped support and sustain a further 156 jobs in the fund area so far? As a fund, we are committed to promoting and growing local businesses, creating job opportunities, and attracting enterprise and investment to the area, creating high-quality, secure jobs. The fund…

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Case Study – £2,750 awarded to local training business BPI Consultancy
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This time last year we funded a Cynon based business BPI Consultancy. They have been delivering high quality business to business training for over 30 years and approached the fund as they wanted to invest in their staff and upskill them to start delivering IEMA training (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment). Rather than have…

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Under the Sky Growing and Learning – End of project reflections
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After 4 years the Under the Sky Growing and Learning Project has come to an end. We were excited to fund this for the 4 year period. Despite the obvious challenges that had not been planned for with the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, this project had impact and many unexpected outcomes. As…

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Arts Factory Case Study
Arts Factory Case Study
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Arts Factory Health & Wellbeing Youth Club was opened in October 2021 due to the increased demand for a youth provision in the Rhondda Fach area. This was a very limited service and we had a large number of young people trying to access our service. Fortunately were able to secure additional funding from the…

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