Pen y Cymoedd supports The Caring Community of Capcoch with a grant of £24,800 for their Cap y Cymuned – Our Community container project

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Over the past year, Capcoch’s activities have grown, and they have now expanded to form a new group that collaborates with members and other community groups throughout Abercwmboi.

Over the past year, they have operated a food pantry, a swap shop providing recycled clothing and uniforms, a hygiene hub, as well as many events and courses.

Due to their success, they have outgrown their current location and have applied to us for a large community container. This will allow them to continue providing the community with these vital services while also growing to:

  • Providing a location for weekly meetings of a local community organisation
  • Expand and improve the recycling and reuse initiative
  • Conduct training programmes for guardians, parents, and the general public
  • Provide access to cooking classes and nutrition counselling

“This is just the beginning for this new organisation; already collaborating closely with the school, group friends, parents, and guardians, they are aware of the space’s great potential to develop into a valuable resource in the community and have many ideas for it. We funded this because, we are committed to fostering individual life skills, confidence, independence, and resilience as well as developing community spaces that are valued by the community.” – Kate Breeze, Executive Director

“We are thrilled to be given this incredible opportunity to enhance and expand our community project ‘Stand 2gether Stronger 4ever.’ We look forward to creating a vibrant, inclusive space where everyone can come together to learn, share, and grow.”

Caring Community of Capcoch

Community action and groups like this rely on volunteers and if you are in area and have a few hrs a month to spare or can help at certain times of the year please get in touch with them and help out –