Pen y Cymoedd awards £26,000 to New Pathways

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New Pathways are a sexual violence specialist support agency and provide services across the region.

The project will ensure that people who have experienced sexual violence in the area (rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse) are able to access therapeutic services that overcome the effects of trauma and promote recovery.

It will:

  1. Provide specialist sexual violence counselling sessions for those who have experienced rape, sexual assault or sexual abuse, recently or in the past
  2. Reduce the waiting list and times for counselling services
  3. Raise wider awareness of the issues of sexual violence

“Sexual violence is endemic in our society and knows no social, economic or cultural boundaries. It has a devastating short- and long-term effect on the victims. People are referred to New Pathways for support by a variety of partners and they have been offering this vital assistance for more than 30 years. It is a privilege for us to assist them in providing more local support and assisting individuals in starting over.” – Kate Breeze, Executive Director

This funding from Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC comes at a critical time for us. Demand for our services is rising and consistently exceeds our capacity. People contact us in crisis, no longer able to cope with the trauma from the sexual violence they have experienced. This funding will help us in our fight to get people the counselling support they need, and ensure nobody needs to suffer in silence.”– New Pathways