Pen y Cymoedd supports Noddfa Community Centre with a Vision Fund grant of £45,000.

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In 2014 the Senior Citizen Centre based in Glyncorrwg was closed for good. A group of local people wanted to ensure this vital centre, a base for bringing people together, who may otherwise feel isolated, continued to support all ages of the community. Noddfa Community Centre was formed and ever since the Trustees have worked tirelessly to develop the scope for the centre, by making it available to the wider community with a variety of clubs and activities.

In Early 2022, Noddfa approached the fund with plans to employ a Centre Manager to support and drive their vision for the Community of Glyncorrwg forward. They received funding from Peoples Health Trust for this post and we were pleased to contribute £22,500. Since then, the Manager has spent time developing relationships with the local community, stakeholders and other community organisations, significantly increasing the number of people regularly using the building whilst managing the day to day running of the community centre.

Noddfa re-approached the fund for funding to continue the role and recognising that having someone in this role has allowed greater community engagement, released some pressure from volunteer trustees, increased footfall and driven up earned income, PyC were excited to continue to support them. We awarded them £45,000 to fund the staff role for the next 3 years which will be supported by their own earned income.

“Noddfa Community Centre is a much loved and well-used community building, seeing footfall of around 7000 people in 2024 alone. They offer a wide range of activities in their venue from Youth clubs to an Old Age Group, Flying start provision to Welsh Classes, and are continuing to explore ways to ensure that they have activities available for all members of the community. As a Fund we recognise the importance of key community buildings and the importance of their Manager in ensuring that this organisation has the ability to be responsive to the needs of their community, and we are proud to be able to support them for the next 3 years.” – Shayla Walsh, Fund Support Officer – Community.

“Noddfa Community Centre provides an important hub for the local residents of Glyncorrwg and neighbouring villages.  We are thrilled to receive a 3 year grant from Pen y Cymoedd providing £45,000 to support the running of the Centre.  Our Centre Manager, Terri Camplin, has worked closely with our members and centre users to increase the use of the Centre through activities and opportunities to provide for a wider group of people.  This funding means that Terri can continue her good work for the next three years enabling the Centre to provide for more local people, their families, and friends, whilst reducing loneliness and increasing employment and life opportunities. Thank you Pen y Cymoedd for this much needed support and for believing in the Centre and what we can do.” – Noddfa Community Centre