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Today, we are deeply saddened to announce our proposal to close Afan Lodge on Monday 4th November, following a 30-day consultation period with Afan Lodge staff.

In 2019 Pen y Cymoedd Wind Farm Community Fund CIC (PyC CIC) purchased Afan Lodge to save the business for the benefit of the Afan valley and wider communities.  It has been managed and run on PYC CIC’s behalf by local staff for the last five years.

Following an approach by the owners and appropriate due diligence, the decision to purchase the lodge was taken by PyC CIC as part of its remit and mission to help stimulate and regenerate economic activity throughout the Fund’s area of benefit, and support tourism across the funds area of benefit.

After a light touch refurbishment, the lodge reopened in March 2020, only to close but a week later with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has struggled to build momentum ever since.

It was never the intention of the fund to own the venue long term, and over the past 6 months, the fund and the directors of Afan Lodge have attempted to sell the Lodge as a going concern with positive interest in the lodge to date.

Unfortunately, despite the best intentions of all parties, the lodge continues to operate at a loss, and we have had to make the difficult decision to enter this consultation period, while a buyer continues to be sought.

We are committed to ensuring the staff have every support they need during this time and will be discussing this support package with the staff directly.

We would like to assure all visitors that their bookings will be honoured up to the proposed closure date, and you will be cared for to the very best of our ability. Any bookings after the 4th of November will be contacted in due course.

Q&A’s can be viewed here 

For any media enquiries, please contact Rhian Richards on