£2793.61 – MICRO FUND – FEB 2017
The club is a real community resource in Treherbert, running regular and well-attended sessions for people of all ages. They have a strong junior section, work with tenants’ groups, provide after-match games and social events for families and older people in the pavilion. The club’s inclusive and pro-active approach is paying off and will be of interest to others – they are more than happy to share their learning and experience. Their grant request was modest and quotes had been provided for all items.
“We were able to meet the increasing demand at our bowling sessions with the extra bowls. We were able to provide a better environment in the clubhouse with new and brighter seating. We benefitted from this grant because our facilities give us and our members a sense of pride in what we are achieving by providing the community with something they can enjoy. The new seating brightened up the clubhouse and the pupils of Penpych and Penyrenglyn were seated in own colours for their annual school match at the club. It was a joy to see.” Quote from Clive Sheridan – Treherbert Bowls Club