£393,240.10 awarded for Glynneath Welfare Park Transformation Project

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When Glynneath Town Council first approached the fund with plan to transform Glynneath Miners Welfare Park into a destination park, by building on the potential of existing facilities, and adding new ones which will serve the local community and the Neath Valley for many years to come we were excited as rather than piecemeal approach this would be a major development that would future proof the facilities and space. It has been a long process and the group have worked hard to engage the community, test plans and put out tenders to ensure the optimum outputs for local community.

The request to PyC was for just under half the total cost and the incredible match funding they had secured demonstrates how hard they have worked and how many people see the potential for the project. Other funders include Maes Gwyn Community Fund / Selar Community Fund and NPTCBC Community Minor Projects grant.

For us as a fund we were pleased to see a financial commitment from the Town Council not only during the capital phase but a financial commitment they have made to future year’s budgets to maintain, look after and continue developing the park.

“This project will create a transformative, play area for all children from toddlers, through to teens, refurbish three of the existing tennis courts, and convert the fourth into a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA). 

It will also convert the former bowling green into an exciting new play and learning space for children from pre-school age, up to age 11. As a fund, we are dedicated to developing community spaces that are ambitious, meet the requirements of the community, offer a place for play, sport and wellbeing, and produce environments that the community can be proud of” – Kate Breeze Executive Director, Pen y Cymoedd

Cllr Simon Knoyle (Glynneath Town Council Project Lead) said, “When first elected in 2017, the transformation of the Miners Welfare Park was a priority for me, a central hub of the community that badly required attention. Extensive community engagement and consultation have taken place which has resulted in us submitting very detailed and concise applications to all of our funding partners, all of whom we are very grateful to for their full support. This has not happened overnight, a lot of hard work has taken place and I am extremely proud to lead on this project with the support and assistance of the Town Clerk and Grants Advisory Team at NPTCBC. The transformation project has received full support from all Town Councillors and this first phase, totalling over £800Kis part of a wider Project Brief which will develop other aspects of the Park in the next few years and will make a difference to the residents of Glynneath, leaving a legacy for future generations to enjoy”.

Hirwaun based Walters Group, and its green energy subsidiary Pennant Walters Group Director Huw Richards said: “We have a long history of supporting the community of Glynneath and our Maesgwyn Wind Farm fund has provided over £1.1 million to local projects since 2010. We are delighted to continue our long involvement with the community and are thrilled that Glynneath Miners Welfare Park will now be transformed into a destination park, building on the potential of existing facilities, and adding new ones which will serve the community and the wider Neath Valley well for many years to come.”